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Printmakers typically use newsprint to pull proofs, to prove concept; this is what a receipt printed from my brain would look like. “I will be fat forever,” (emphasis on forever) is a liberation mindset that allows me to imagine my future in my current body, not a smaller version of myself. Each of the 120 panels represents a pound I used to be obsessed with losing. The repeated declaration — first seen as pattern, then characters, then digestible text — requires layers of thoughtful persistence to decipher.

In recovery we talk about day by day, building. We inventory the accumulations. We hold the most space for flaws. Like the imperfect texture of the text cutouts, the tone of my mantra changes in relation to the cycle of highs and lows of my self worth, but my promise remains. Deep commitment relies on the multiple, the strategy of repetition, and the sincere display of fragile intention.

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Commitment. 15' x 8'.  Newsprint, scotch tape. 2023.

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Commitment. 15' x 8'.  Newsprint, scotch tape. 2023.

Details of Commitment 2023. 

I'll Be Fat Forever.  Visual poetry, typewriter, paper, medical tape.  2023. 

©2024  ev Leto 

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